Listed Company Contacts


Provider: TMX Group

  • Frequency:
  • Format:

The Listed Company Contacts Reports are field based tab delimited text files that provide essential business contact information for exchange listed companies, including symbol, company address, phone number and more. Frequency: Weekly - After 5:00 PM EST

Why use Listed Company Contacts Reports?

  • Business contacts for listed companies
  • Focus on desired geographic areas
  • Up-to-date business contact information

Product Description

The Listed Company Contacts Reports are field based tab delimited text files that provide essential business contact information for exchange listed companies, including:

Symbol Company Name Contact Name1
Contact Title1 Company Address Company City
Company Province Company Country Company Phone Number
Company Fax Number Nature of Business  


There is one report for the Toronto Stock Exchange and another report for TSX Venture Exchange.


Format and Delivery

Report Format Frequency Delivery
Toronto Stock Exchange Tab delimited text Weekly FTP, web or email
TSX Venture Exchange Tab delimited text Monthly FTP, web or email


NOTE: Listed Company Contacts Report Restrictive Use Provision: This Report may only be used for purposes of contacting the individuals included in the Report in relation to such individuals' business responsibilities and for no other purposes.

1 To comply with federal and provincial privacy laws, the Listed Company Contacts Reports do not include Contact Name and Contact Title for Quebec-based companies.

Product Sheet, Specifications and/or Sample

You can access the product sheet and specifications in PDF format or view sample files for the Toronto Stock Exchange and the TSX Venture Exchange.

Plans & Pricing

Unless otherwise indicated, prices are for a single end user, and do not include redistribution rights. For distributor pricing, please contact us HERE.